Tuesday, November 11, 2008

so this took place on Saturday:
Light Up My Life.
an event organized by SIA, to raise public awareness of the intellectually disabled,
it was a pleasure for our eyes.
you cannot imagine how hot and cute those stewardess and stewards were.
anyways, we were volunteers/free labours for that day.
we were to look after this group of teenagers from some tanglin school.
initially, there were some hesitations.
however, once we started to mingle with each other it was a total different thing. they might be slow and does not reply to your every question or can't converse with you in proper English, but they are definitely nice people.
For everything you've done for them, they'll reciprocate with a 'Thank You' followed by a smile.
It simply made my day.
Whereas for us, we're often unappreciative and take things for granted. Not all, but most people.
so what if you looked fine and all, you just lacked that simple courtesy.
ohwells. Isn't it always like this.
how arrogant and ungrateful can people get.
Alright, pictures shall do the talking now:
just random pictures from kah kiat's phone.
It was tiring, but we had FUN!

Ocip.2008- VOICE