Friday, January 04, 2008

Orientation ended today ):
which means i will be having proper lessons from Monday onwards.
it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be.
In fact the whole event was totally awesome!
Btw this is gonna be a long one.
so just bear with me.


Day 1
after reporting to school, we were being separated into different empires and clans.
PERSIAN- my empire
Sogdians- my clan
Guo Jing & Donald- my Orientation Group Leaders
(you guys rock big time!)
welcome speech by e principal.
( she is a nice lady with cute mushroom bob)
got to know each and everyone else in my clan (pics will be uploaded soon ;)
The quest began soon aft lunch ended.
we were taught many cheers.
played station games in order to earn points for our Empire.
we did quite alright for the games
Next was to buid the towers for the war game the following day by using mainly newspaper.
we didn't have any inkling on what to do be continued
thats about it for e first day.
sounded mundane tho BUT ITS NOT!

as usual, report to school in e morning for assembly.
attended some boring talks again before proceeding to finish up our towers.
it was quite last minute so our tower wasn't that nicely done.
but its alright. SOGDIANS POWER!
learnt the mass dance and college anthem.
ohhh the dance was lovely.
so lively and retro
the college anthem was a balm to my ears and it sounded like those national day songs(written by dick lee)
i love it :D
THE WAR BROKE OUT aft lunch.
the game is played like this:
we were suppose to protect our treasures under those towers from water bombs thrown by other Empires within a given boundary.
i was sooooo looking forward to get wet thus i became the defender.
but it wasn't really wet after all.
Amazingly none of our towers collapsed and we even stole treasures from other Empires.
and needless to say we were the champions for the war game (:(:

met up with fellow clan-mates before entering school.
morning assembly
didn't attend any dreary talk today. thank god
5h of Amazing Race~
we went to Admiralty for the game.
that place was like Mars to me
nevertheless we managed to complete it.
even though it was damn tiring because we sort of walked the whole area, we had loads of fun during the game.
that's the spirit mann!
had Mac lunch and back to school.
CCA talk.
cheerleading yeah!
after that different Empires were busy preparing for e JAM & HOP night.
we did something that was super duper cool.
unlike other Empires that dance along with a song.
PERSIANS stomped and rock the hall!
although we were not the overall champion, the bonds that we had and time that was spent together cheering for one another was better then anything else.
here comes the best part of the jam & hop
Lights off, music blasting
the hall was transformed into a dance floor.
seriously everyone went bonkers.
everybody was in high spirits, really really high
and started dancing for an hour plus non-stop
but all good things must come to an end
everything was back to its original form again
did our cheer for the last time ):
photo taking session *wink*****
and off we go.

at that moment, i really felt quite sad.
after these three days of orientation, i have the sudden urge to study in a college and Innova is the place.
oh yea!
but i think i shouldn't make judgement now.
we shall see how it goes for the next 6 weeks.

i admit im slow.
it took me an hour to summarise all these.
im damn tired now
goodnight world (: